Callum Cooper will present the findings of his recent study, as described at the 2011 Annual SPR Conference in Edinburgh, which have formed the basis of a new book on the subject of anomalous telephone calls "from the dead". In the past, the topic received considerable attention from D. Scott Rogo and Raymond Bayless as well Gertrude Schmeidler.
Thirty years on from the book Phone Calls from the Dead written by D. Scott Rogo and Raymond Bayless, a new study and book, Telephone Calls from the Dead, has been produced (Cooper, 2012).  The lecture will present the full methods and findings of the study of anomalous telephonic experiences.  It was the request of the late Dr. Gertrude Schmeidler that at some point a paper or presentation should be given on the exact methods and findings of such a study.
5th July, 2012 from  6:35 PM to  9:00 PM
Lecture Hall of the Kensington Central Library
Campden Hill Road
W8 7RX
United Kingdom
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