15. SPR Matters

This section lists such items as notices of SPR events, forthcoming books, available grants and scholarships, administrative and personnel changes, appeals, reports of international contacts and other matters of relevance to the membership.

(main keyword: SPR matters)

Anon. OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY, Proceedings 1, 1882, pp. 3-6. Society's objectives set out. SPR matters 

Sidgwick, Henry. ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT AT THE FIRST GENERAL MEETING, Proceedings 1, 1882, pp. 7-12. No summary given. SPR matters 

Sidgwick, Henry. ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT AT THE SECOND GENERAL MEETING, Proceedings 1, 1882, pp. 65-9. No summary given. SPR matters 

Anon. A FOREIGN VIEW OF PSYCHICAL RESEARCH, Journal 1, 1884, p. 44. Support for psychical research from Austria. SPR matters 

Barrett, William. THE PROSPECTS OF PSYCHICAL RESEARCH IN AMERICA, Journal 1, 1884, pp. 172-9. Barrett reports on a trip to North America (USA and Canada), with lectures given during both crossings, and meetings with parties interested in psychical research in Montreal, Philadelphia and Boston with a few to setting up societies there. SPR matters/psi 

Anon. THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEARCH, Journal 1, 1885, pp. 424-5. Reiterates the limits to the Society's self-appointed role. SPR matters/psi 

Anon. GENERAL MEETING, Journal 1, 1885, pp. 224-5. Society business and brief reports of papers. SPR matters

Anon. ON DREAMING AND ALLIED STATES, Journal 1, 1885, pp. 489-90. Circulars to members appealing for personal experiences. SPR matters

Anon. A PROPOSED NEW CENSUS OF HALLUCINATIONS, Journal 4, 1889, pp. 50-52. Announcement of a proposed questionnaire survey. SPR matters/apparitions

Anon. AMERICAN BRANCH OF THE SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEARCH, Journal 4, 1890, p. 207. Notice of the amalgamation of the American Society for Psychical Research as a branch of the British SPR, with Richard Hodgson as secretary and treasurer. SPR matters

Hodgson, Richard. EDITORIAL, Journal 8, 1897, pp. 117-20. Appeal for contributions of testimony from members. SPR matters

Anon. AN INQUIRY CONCERNING SUDDEN MORAL TRANSFORMATIONS, Journal 9, 1899, pp. 5-6. Appeal for accounts of religious conversion experiences. beliefs/SPR matters

Anon. FOUNDATION OF A PSYCHICAL INSTITUTE IN PARIS, Journal 9, 1900, pp. 274-8. Reveals plans for a new foundation. SPR matters

Schiller, F.C.S. THE FUTURE OF THE SPR, Journal 10, 1901, pp. 74-7. A leading member makes recommendations for the continuance of the Society's work following the death of two of its principal founders. Lodge, Oliver. ADDRESS BY THE COUNCIL, pp. 85-92. The new president lays out a plan for the Society. CORRESPONDENCE, pp. 253-6. SPR matters

Anon. [APPEAL TO LORD RALEIGH], Journal 10, 1901, pp. 58-60. Lord Raleigh declines an invitation to replace Myers as President of the Society. SPR matters

Anon. REDUCTION IN THE NUMBER OF GENERAL MEETINGS OF THE SOCIETY, Journal 10, 1901, pp. 115-6. The Council advertises its decision to change its policy to public meetings. SPR matters

Anon. DISSOLUTION OF THE AMERICAN BRANCH, Journal 12, 1906, p. 284. Brief announcement of the decision to wind up the American branch of the SPR, with the hope that an independent organisation may take its place. THE AMERICAN BRANCH AND THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, Journal 12, 1906, pp. 297-300. Plans for continuance of psychical research in America. SPR matters

Anon. ABRIDGED EDITION OF 'HUMAN PERSONALITY', Journal 13, 1907, p. 32. Announces a new abridged edition of Myers's Human Personality. SPR matters

Johnson, Alice. A CRITICISM OF THE SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEARCH, Journal 13, 1907, pp. 111-2. Denies a claim that the SPR has supressed publication of '500 carefully investigated and selected cases of Dr Richard Hodgson,' arguing that these never existed. SPR matters

Lodge, Oliver. ADDRESS TO THE DUBLIN SECTION OF THE SPR, Journal 13, 1908, pp. 318-24. Advice for psychical researchers in Ireland. psi/SPR matters

Barrett, W.F. AN EARLY PSYCHICAL RESEARCH SOCIETY, Journal 21, 1923, pp. 67-71. Describes the founding at Cambridge of a loosely organised society concerned with supernormal phenomena, 25 years before the SPR. SPR matters

Besterman, Theodore. LIBRARY CATALOGUE (SUPPLEMENT 1927-1928), Proceedings 38, 1928, pp. 102-207. See also pp. 195-246 and Proceedings 39, 1931, pp. 1-58, Proceedings 42, 1934, pp. 3-48. Catalogue of books in the Society library. SPR matters

Sidgwick, Eleanor. [LORD BALFOUR], Journal 26, 1930, pp. 76-7. See also pp. 119-20. Corrects the erroneous impression given in a published article that the author's brother Lord Balfour was involved in a crystal-ball gazing incident. psi/SPR matters

Anon. NATIONAL LABORATORY OF PSYCHICAL RESARCH, Journal 26, 1930, pp. 157-9. Harry Price proposes an amalgamation between the SPR and his National Laboratory of Psychical Research, being forced by ill-health to reduce his workload, but unwilling to withdraw altogether. The SPR, represented by Eleanor Sidgwick and W.H. Salter, politely decline his offer of housing his library and equipment, pleading lack of space. SPR matters

Anon. MRS SIDGWICK'S NINETIETH BIRTHDAY, Journal 29, 1935, p. 50. Brief congratulations to the Society's prolific and long-serving member. SPR matters

Anon. APPEAL, Journal 30, 1937, pp. 25-7. Appeal for donations for research outside the Society, with a brief summary of its contribution so far in contributing to the understanding of telepathy, survival, hypnotism and detection of fraud. SPR matters

Anon. PERROTT STUDENTSHIP IN PSYCHICAL RESEARCH, Proceedings 46, 1940, pp. 23-4. Describes the provisions of the new Perrott Studentship in Psychical Research at Trinity College, Cambridge University, founded from the bequest of F.D. Perrott in honor of F.W.H. Myers. SPR matters

Anon. THE AMERICAN SPR, Journal 32, 1941, pp. 69-70. Announces the rebirth of the American Society for Psychical Research with George H. Hyslop, son of the researcher James Hyslop, as president. The Boston Society of Psychical of Research has been amalgamated with it. SPR matters

Ozanne, Charles E. [DONATION], Journal 33, 1943, pp. 26-7. Letter accompanying a donation to the Society, praising its work. SPR matters

Anon. ANGELOS TANAGRAS, Journal 33, 1945, p. 120. Also page 159. The death is mistakenly announced of Greek psychical researcher, involved in long range telepathy experiments between Athens and London. A letter is subsequently received from him following the liberation of Greece from German occupation. SPR matters

Anon. THE JOURNAL, Journal 33, 1945, pp. 174-5. Proposes in future to extend access to the Journal to the public: whereas private circulation to members only may have encouraged individuals to come forward with accounts of psychical experiences, it has also restricted the general dissemination of these to a wider public, which is now thought to be more desirable. SPR matters

Anon. HONOURS TO SPR MEMBERS, Journal 33, 1945, p. 120. Notes the award of a degree of Doctor of Science by the University of London to S.G. Soal in consideration of his work in ESP. Notes similar awards during the year by Oxford and Cambridge, all for the first time. SPR matters

Tenhaeff, W.H.C. [LIBERATION], Journal 33, 1945, pp. 159-60. Letter from the respected Dutch researcher written three days after the liberation of the Netherlands from the German occupation. He laments the theft by the Nazis of the Dutch SPR's library, their persecution of him for refusing to lecture in German universities, and their repression of the psychical research magazine, and expresses the hope of future co-operation with British colleagues. SPR matters

Parsons, D. REPORT ON THE QUESTIONNAIRE, Journal 33, 1946, pp. 270-71. A poll of members provides information on which to base the future direction of the Society, and includes a popularity ranking of topics as follows: telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, communications from the dead, psychological aspects, experimental ESP, medical aspects, apparitions and visions, hauntings, physical phenomena, hypnotism, automatic writing, poltergeists, spirit photography. psi/SPR matters

West, D.J. AN APPEAL TO MEMBERS, Journal 33, 1946, p. 256. Appeals for contributions: performing telepathy experiments at home and sending in reports of their experiences with mediums. SPR matters/telepathy/experiments

Thouless, Robert H. [HOW SLANDER SPREADS], Journal 35, 1950, pp. 289-90. Shows how a demonstration by the author, incorrectly reported, turns into a malicious slander. SPR matters

Broad, C.D. MR W H SALTER'S RETIREMENT, Journal 39, 1957, pp. 259-60. Thanks to the retiring Honorary Secretary. SPR matters

Anon. THE SOUTH AFRICAN SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEARCH, Journal 40, 1959, pp. 42-4. Brief description of a new Society. SPR matters

Nicol, Fraser. A HYPOTHETICAL PROBLEM, Journal 42, 1963, p. 149. Asks what the reaction of the SPR Council would be to an offer of a million pounds for finding one psychic phenomenon in any part of the world in the next month. SPR matters

Anon. NOTICES, Journal 43, 1965, p. 51. Notes the founding of the Parapsychology Research Group in California; and a course on mediumship at Moor Park College. SPR matters

Anon. NOTICES, Journal 43, 1965, pp. 103-7. Lists the SPR group of automatists, for the Cross Correspondence Group, together with their pseudonyms; discusses a proposed index of members with specialised knowledge; and describes the Granada lecturers; also describes the PerrottWarrick Studentship. SPR matters

Broad, C.D. et al. EDITORSHIP OF PROCEEDINGS AND JOURNAL, Journal 43, 1965, p. 162. Notes that G.W. Fisk is retiring as editor of the Journals and Proceedings of the SPR. Provides brief biographical information. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES AND NOTICES, Journal 43, 1965, pp. 163-6. Announces the death of Rudolph Lambert; notes the 90th birthday of A. Tanagras; and describes the first Bulletin Of The Parapsychological Association, provides description of spontaneous case collection of Eva Hellstrom, and notice of £1000 award for demonstration of physical mediumship. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES AND NOTICES, Journal 43, 1965, pp. 225-7. Announces the death of G.L. Jobling; describes the Bulletin Of The Parapsychological Association, September 1965; notes that Anita Gregory was elected to the PerrottWarrick Studentship; and describes a weekend Study Course on parapsychology at Dartington College of Arts. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES AND NOTICES, Journal 43, 1966, p. 389. Brief notice of an international conference on the problem of survival held in London in June 1966. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES AND NOTICES, Journal 43, 1966, pp. 443-4. Provides brief details of the Belfast Psychical Society and a course on 'Psychical Research, Depth Psychology and Religion' held at Moor Park College, Farnham, Surrey. SPR matters

Anon. NOTICES, Journal 44, 1967, pp. 106-8. Describes $2,000 award for a parapsychology thesis offered by the Parapsychology Foundation and a disaster early warning system launched by Peter Fairley, science correspondent of the London Evening Standard. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES AND NOTICES, Journal 44, 1967, pp. 166-7. Announcement concerning the initiation of the Journal of Paraphysics and a new psychical research society in Switzerland, Vereinigung fur Parapsychologie, initiated by Théo Locher, editor of the Bulletin Fur Parapsychologie. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES AND NOTICES, Journal 44, 1967, pp. 213-4. Calls for papers for the eleventh annual convention of the Parapsychological Association. SPR matters

Joy, G.A. THE ORGANISATION AND WORK OF THE SOCIETY, Journal 44, 1968, pp. 240-47. A description of the SPR's headquarters at Adam and Eve Mews and a brief account of the work that is carried on there. Includes information on financing, staffing, and other matters of interest to members. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES AND NOTICES, Journal 44, 1968, pp. 317-9. Obituary notices of Gladys Osborne Leonard, the medium, and Professor Christian Winther; who was active in the Danish SPR. Also a note by R.G. Medhurst describing a GESP test with 85 pairs of identical twins on the David Frost TV program. The results were not significant. tribute/SPR matters

H.A.C. THE RETIREMENT OF SIR GEORGE JOY AS HON. SECRETARY AND HON. TREASURER AND OTHER STAFF CHANGES, Journal 44, 1968, pp. 371-2. Note on the retirement of Sir George Joy as honorary secretary of the SPR and of Pauline Osborn as secretary. Announcement of the appointment of John H. Cutten as honorary secretary and treasurer. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES AND NOTICES, Journal 44, 1968, p. 429. George Zorab's re-election to the Perrott-Warrick Studentship in Psychical Research at Trinity College, Cambridge. Report on a series of television programmes discussing dowsing, spiritual healing and telepathy, with Brian Inglis, Harry Edwards, Chris Evans, Sir Alister Hardy, Professor J. J. Eysenck and Arthur Koestler. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES AND NOTICES, Journal 45, 1969, pp. 34-40. Report of the eleventh annual convention of the Parapsychological Association, in Freiburg; call for papers for the twelfth; announcement of the formation of the Division of Parapsychology at the University of Virginia. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES AND NOTICES, Journal 45, 1969, pp. 147-8. Describes work in progress by Rosalind Heywood on collecting accounts of various kinds of ESP-type experience in books by persons with no particular interest in ESP. Includes a short list of illustrative examples by Edith Sitwell, Osbert Sitwell, Peter Scott, and others. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES AND NOTICES, Journal 45, 1969, pp. 197-200. Notes the death of Count Carl von Klinckowstroem on August 29th, 1969 at age 85. Announces the formation of the South African Institute for Parapsychological Research with Arthur Bleksley as Director. Includes a brief notice about the Japanese Society for Parapsychology and its first annual convention held in Tokyo on July 18th, 1967. Also announces the formation of the Psychical Research Foundation and describes its aims, staff, and facilities. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 45, 1970, pp. 260-63. Corrections to newspaper article on the Borley episode; call for papers for the thirteenth annual convention of the parapsychological association; fund for W.H. Salter memorial; research project in automatic writing. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES AND NOTICES, Journal 45, 1970, pp. 320-22. Invitation to Perrott Warwick applications; death of W.E. Manning, active member; loan of Journals, drawings, photographs to exhibition. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES AND NOTICES, Journal 45, 1970, p. 368. Announces the appointment of Renée Haynes as editor of the Journal, taking over from Alan Gauld. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES, Journal 45, 1970, pp. 431-6. Funds for university studentships set up, new newsletter, etc. SPR matters

Anon. NOTICES, Journal 46, 1972, pp. 55-7. Call for papers for the International Congress of Parapsychology 1972 to be held at the University of Edinburgh; foundation of an Institute of Parascience in Devon. SPR matters

Epton, Nina. [DIVINING ANCESTRAL INFLUENCES], Journal 46, 1972, p. 225. Appeals for help from members interested in studying the use of Tarot, PK, etc. in uncovering information about the subject's ancestry. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES AND NOTICES, Journal 46, 1972, pp. 226-30. Report of the 15th annual convention of the Parapsychological Association; call for papers for the 16th; a new research grant announced by the College of Psychic Studies. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 47, 1973, pp. 63-6. Results of a parapsychology questionnaire; applications for Perrott-Warrick; grants for research; new study group for 'miracle cures'. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 47, 1973, p. 137. Swiss association for parapsychology; international congress on applied psychology. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES, Journal 47, 1973, p. 215. Announces a new Spanish periodical TELEPATIA. SPR matters

Evans, Wyn. [RICHARD HILL NORRIS], Journal 47, 1973, p. 214. Announces the recent acquisition of personal papers of Richard Hill Norris, professor of physiology at Birmingham in the nineteenth century, many of them on séances and other psychical research topics. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 47, 1973, p. 281. Rhodesian society for parapsychology. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 47, 1974, pp. 346-9. Apparent telepathic interaction between Frank and Rosalind Heywood; Cutten parapsychology studentship; Perrot-Warrick studentship. SPR matters/telepathy

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 47, 1974, pp. 400. Death of Sir George Joy, council secretary; parapscience symposia 1974. SPR matters/tribute

Playfair, Guy Lyon. [EDUARD NAUMOV JAILED], Journal 47, 1974, p. 461. Protests against the sentencing to two years hard labour of a Russian parapsychologist (see also Anita Gregory, The Times, July 2, 1974). Regelson, Lev. AN APPEAL TO SOVIET AND FOREIGN PUBLIC OPINION, pp. 521-4. Gives the background to the jailing. SPR matters/psi

Anon. NOTES, Journal 47, 1974, p. 472. The first Cutten studentship in parapsychology; American Metapsychiatric Association. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 47, 1974, pp. 540-44. Parapsychology in Denmark; Sunday People tests with Uri Geller; eighteenth annual convention of the Parapsychological Association. SPR matters/psi

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 48, 1975, pp. 69-71. Perrot-Warrick studentship; Cutten parapsychology studentship fund; discussion group. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 48, 1975, pp. 130-31. Parapsychological Association; Institute of Parascience conference. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 48, 1975, pp. 194-5. SPR study course; 8th International Congress on cybernetics; cutten parapsychology studentship. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 48, 1975, pp. 255-8. Legacies and donations; 19th annual convention of the Parapsychological Association. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 48, 1976, p. 291. Regional meetings. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 48, 1975-6, p. 323. [nb. This pagination appears twice in this volume- first go to page 364]. Preliminary announcement of an anomaly in the 'prepared random numbers' that casts doubt on the validity of the Soal-Goldney experiments with Shackleton. SPR matters

Michaelson, Ronald. [POLISH STUDY OF PRE-HISTORIC CULTURES], Journal 48, 1975, pp. 249-50. Appeal for persons with specialised knowledge in pre-historical European cultures for parapsychological examination. SPR matters

Mcintosh, Alastair. [UNIVERSITY PARAPSYCHOLOGY SOCIETIES], Journal 48, 1976, pp. 361-2. Recommends that university students form parapsychology societies. SPR matters

Gruber, Elmar R. SEARCH FOR LETTERS BY HANS DRIESCH (1867-1941), Journal 49, 1977, pp. 477. Appeal for correspondence sent by the German biologist and parapsychologist. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 49, 1977, pp. 479-83. First International Conference; Perrott-Warrick; 20th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association; Center for Parapsychological Research; New German Society for Parapsychology. SPR matters

Grosse, Maurice. [SPR ACTIVITIES], Journal 49, 1977, p. 567. A new member complains he has been unable to get involved with current research projects in the SPR. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 49, 1977, pp. 570-71. Summer programme. SPR matters

Steele, John J. [MEMORY], Journal 49, 1977, p. 630. Student appeals for contacts from researchers on memory. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 49, 1977, pp. 631-6. Activities of newcomers to the Society; 2nd International SPR Conference; research project on biocommunication, Technical University, Berlin; state of Society's archives. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 49, 1977, pp. 692-5. International Conference on Christian Parapsychology; Institut Metapsychicque International; International Academy of Manternach; Taiwanese Journal; Swiss Association for Parapsychology. CORRECTION, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 902-3. SPR matters

Kelly, Gregory. [PSI AND THE DISABLED], Journal 49, 1978, p. 766. Appeal for evidence that inherent psychic ability can be increased to compensate for loss of vision, hearing, etc. SPR matters/psi

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 769-70. Arrangement with the Mary Evans Picture Library. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 858-9. Second International SPR Conference. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 912-21. Brief reports of papers, actitivities and discussions at the Second International Conference; Perrott-Warrick; research endowment fund. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 983-7. Centenary celebrations; judges wanted; the Parapsychological Association 22nd Annual Convention. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 50, 1979, pp. 48-9. Presenting probability figures to members without a mathematical background; PK and tuning bar. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 50, 1979, p. 133. Launch of The Universal Metaphysics Association in Switzerland. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 50, 1980, pp. 325-7. Centenary celebrations; Perrott-Warrick; Convention of the Parapsychological Association; Institute of Parascience Conference. SPR matters

Blackmore, Susan. [NDE RESEARCH], Journal 50, 1980, p. 415. Writer appeals for NDE incidents for a forthcoming study. near death experiences

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 50, 1980, pp. 424-5. Louisa Rhine president of the SPR; new Italian and Californian Journals; report of the Institut Métapsychique. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 51, 1981, p. 40. The Journal to appear three instead of four times a year, to save costs. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 51, 1981, p. 130. International London Conference of the Institute of Parascience. SPR matters

Anon. Editorial [BALANCE OF ARTICLES], Journal 51, 1981, p. 179. The editor invites views as to whether the balance of articles should be towards experimental work, and on the question of the degree of technical language that is acceptable. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 51, 1982, pp. 323-4, 397-9. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 51, 1981, pp. 198-200. Call for papers for the Centenary/Jubilee convention. SPR matters

Anon. NOTES & NOTICES, Journal 51, 1982, pp. 260-64. John Beloff succeeds Renée Haynes as editor of the Journals and ProceedingsSPR matters

Healy, Joan. [PILTDOWN MAN HOAX], Journal 52, 1984, pp. 399-401. Discusses the possibility that Arthur Conan Doyle may have been the perpetrator of the Piltdown Man hoax. SPR matters/cheating

Haynes, Renée. [RUPERT BROOK], Journal 53, 1986, p. 481. A sonnet by Rupert Brooke and supposedly inspired by the Society's Proceedings, published in 1913, is reproduced here. book review/SPR matters

Anon. LIST OF MEMBERS AND GEOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY SUPPLEMENT, Proceedings 57, 1990, pp. 209-32. Names, addresses and occupations of SPR members. SPR matters

Newton, J. & Poynton, J. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 62, 1997-8, pp. 190-91. A member comments on the recent alteration of the Journal's statement describing the Society's activities. With reply by the Hon Secretary. CORRESPONDENCE, pp. 380-81. psi/SPR matters

Beloff, John. EDITORIAL FAREWELL, Journal 63, 1998-9, p. 256. Beloff announces his departure as editor of the Journal, the post to be taken by Zofia Weaver. See also p. 257: West, Donald & Weaver, Zofia. CHANGE OF EDITORSHIP OF PROCEEDINGS AND JOURNAL. Gives the background of the new editor of the Journals and Proceedings, Zofia Weaver, and thanks to the outgoing editor John Beloff. SPR matters