Book Reviews: Reincarnation

Bernstein, Morey. THE SEARCH FOR BRIDEY MURPHY, Journal 38, 1956, pp. 376-8. An amateur hypnotist carries out age regression experiments on a neighbour, uncovering a supposed previous existence as an Irish lawyer’s daughter in the early nineteenth century.

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Iswarananda, Swami. DOES THE SOUL REINCARNATE?, reviewed by H. H. Price, Journal 43, 1965, pp. 43-4. A Hindu Swami rejects reincarnation as ‘nothing to do with the essential doctrine of Vedanta...’.

book review/reincarnation/beliefs


Walker, E.D. REINCARNATION: A STUDY OF A FORGOTTEN TRUTH, Journal 43, 1965, p. 157. Claims to be ‘the first extensive work on reincarnation ever published (no review).

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Osborn, Arthur W. THE MEANING OF PERSONAL EXISTENCE, reviewed by F. H. Cleobury, Journal 43, 1966, pp. 433-4. Survey of paranormal phenomena, and defence of doctrine of reincarnation.

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Stevenson, Ian. TWENTY CASES SUGGESTIVE OF REINCARNATION (PROCEEDINGS ASPR, 1966), reviewed by John Beloff, Journal 44, 1967, pp. 88-94. ‘.. .the first serious systematic attempt to survey the spontaneous case-material bearing on the problem of reincarnation.’ Full review of ground-breaking work.

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Guirdham, Arthur. THE CATHARS AND REINCARNATION, reviewed by R. J. Woolger, Journal 45, 1970, pp. 422-4. A practitioner of hypnotherapy follows up a series of apparent retrocognitions of the Cathar sect of 13th century France recounted by a patient, finding them to be historically accurate and thus evidence of reincarnation.

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Guirdham, Arthur. A FOOT IN BOTH WORLDS, reviewed by Roger Woolger, Journal 47, 1974, pp. 385-7. The author of THE CATHARS AND REINCARNATION and OBSESSION continues his speculations on reincarnation and group memory.

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Stevenson, Ian. TWENTY CASES SUGGESTIVE OF REINCARNATION, reviewed by John Beloff, Journal 48, 1975, pp. 177-9. Second enlarged edition of a classic study, introducing cases of Indian children with memories of ‘past lives’.

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Ryall, E.W. SECOND TIME ROUND, reviewed by Andrew MacKenzie, Journal 48, 1975, pp. 241-2. The author describes memories of a former incarnation as a Somerset farmer born in 1645. The claim is given credibility by the introduction of Ian Stevenson, which rejects fraud and cryptomnesia, but the reviewer doubts whether reincarnation is the actual explanation. CORRESPONDENCE, pp. 320-21.

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Stevenson, Ian. CASES OF THE REINCARNATION TYPE VOLUME I. TEN CASES FROM INDIA, reviewed by John Beloff, Journal 48, 1976, pp. 306-9. The first of a planned series of volumes offering selected cases of memories of past lives.

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Iverson, Jeffrey. MORE LIVES THAN ONE? THE EVIDENCE OF THE REMARKABLE BLOXHAM TAPES, reviewed by Graham Hough, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 464-6. Extracts from tapes of hypnotherapy sessions in which the subjects appear to be describing their past lives.

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Guirdham, Arthur. THE LAKE AND THE CASTLE, reviewed by Renée Haynes, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 466-7. Further volume advancing the author’s theory that he and a group of friends shared earlier incarnations, including one among the Cathars in Provence. ‘.. .much of interest here: telepathic incidents simultaneously involving three or four people in different parts of the world, various precognitive experiences, and some very odd examples of synchronicity’.

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Stevenson, Ian. CASES OF THE REINCARNATION TYPE, VOLUME II, TEN CASES IN SRI LANKA, reviewed by Robert Thouless, Journal 49, 1978, pp. 894-5. Buddhist cases of children with memories of past lives, in one of which 16 items of information were recorded in writing before being verified.

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Moss, P. & Keeton, J. ENCOUNTERS WITH THE PAST, reviewed by David Christie-Murray, Journal 50, 1980, pp. 312-4. Hypnotic regression into past lives, by a leading practitioner.

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Stevenson, Ian. CASES OF THE REINCARNATION TYPE. VOLUME III. TWELVE CASES IN LEBANON AND TURKEY, reviewed by Robert Thouless, Journal 51, 1981, pp. 101-2. Cases of past life memories from the Alevis in South Central Turkey and the Druses of Lebanon.

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Christie-Murray, David. REINCARNATION - ANCIENT BELIEFS AND MODERN EVIDENCE, reviewed by Michael Perry, Journal 51, 1981, pp.101-4. Study of reincarnation: beliefs, history and evidence.

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Wilson, Ian. MIND OUT OF TIME? REINCARNATION CLAIMS INVESTIGATED, reviewed by Michael Perry, Journal 51, 1981, pp. 167-70. Sceptical treatment of reincarnation by a historian, taking in children’s memories of past lives, and well-publicised cases such as the Pollock twins and Bridey Murphy.

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Walker, Benjamin. MASKS OF THE SOUL: THE FACTS BEHIND REINCARNATION, reviewed by Michael Perry, Journal 51, 1981, pp. 170-71. The book’s ‘bias is anti-reincarnationist, but the arguments on either side, the major lines of evidence and their various possible interpretations, are all fairly and clearly set out... ‘.

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Rogo, Scott D. THE SEARCH FOR YESTERDAY: A CRITICAL EXAMINATION OF THE EVIDENCE FOR REINCARNATION, reviewed by James G. Matlock, Journal 53, 1986, pp. 229-39. The first book by a parapsychologist to include material other than Ian Stevenson’s child cases, including hypnotic regression cases. The reviewer acknowledges this contribution, but laments a lack of ‘scholarly seriousness’ and a ‘gratuitous’ attack on Stevenson. The review is followed by an extended reply by Stevenson rebutting the author’s criticisms.

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Stevenson, Ian. CASES OF THE REINCARNATION TYPE, VOLUME 4: TWELVE CASES IN THAILAND AND BURMA, reviewed by C.T.K.Chari, Journal 53, 1986, pp. 325-9. Cases of past-life memories in south-east Asia, received with constructive criticisms by the reviewer, particularly in relation to the interpretation of local religious doctrines. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 53, 1986, pp. 476-7.

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Stevenson, Ian. CHILDREN WHO REMEMBER PREVIOUS LIVES: A QUESTION OF REINCARNATION, reviewed by Ian Wilson, Journal 55, 1988, pp. 227-34. An important assessment of decades of work by the veteran investigator of past-life memories in children. A landmark study, although the reviewer, a Roman Catholic sceptic, would have preferred a more critical approach. Stevenson’s detailed rebuttal to Wilson’s comments is included. See also Journal 66, 2002, pp. 57-8, where David Christie-Murray reviews a revised edition.

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Pasricha, Satwant. CLAIMS OF REINCARNATION: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF CASES IN INDIA, reviewed by Erlendur Haraldsson, Journal 58, 1992, pp. 274-5. Review of cases of past-life memories by an Indian researcher and associate of Ian Stevenson.

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Cockell, Jenny. YESTERDAY’S CHILDREN: THE EXTRAORDINARY SEARCH FOR MY PAST LIFE FAMILY, reviewed by Ian Wilson, Journal 59, 1993, pp. 307-9. The author describes her search for traces of the life she believed she lived as an Irishwoman until 1932, and her meeting with the man, now 71, who would have been her son. ‘...profoundly impressive and convincing’.

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Montano, Mary. LOVING MOZART: A PAST LIFE MEMORY OF THE COMPOSER’S FINAL YEARS, reviewed by Melvyn J. Willin, Journal 60, 1995, p. 339. The author claims to be the same soul as Mozart’s pupil Sussmayr and that the American pianist William Kapell (1922-1953) was an incarnation of Mozart. The reviewer is sceptical of the claims but enjoys the book.

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Edwards, Paul. REINCARNATION: A CRITICAL EXAMINATION, reviewed by John Beloff, Journal 61, 1997, pp. 345-8. Philosophical debunking, covering well-known cases and the work of Ian Stevenson. The reviewer finds the study thought-provoking, but finds nothing to convince him that we cannot survive death. CORRESPONDENCE, Journal 61, 1997, pp. 413-4; Journal 62, 1997, p. 177.

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Stevenson, Ian. WHERE REINCARNATION AND BIOLOGY INTERSECT, reviewed by David Stevenson, Journal 62, 1998, pp. 463-4. ‘Those who are not determined sceptics are likely to find a persuasive case that some people do have memories and behaviours suggestive of previous lives and that some of those identified as particular persons reborn have physical birthmarks or defects or other characteristics which support this identification.’ Condensed version of Reincarnation and Biology.

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Stevenson, Ian. REINCARNATION AND BIOLOGY: A CONTRIBUTION TO THE ETIOLOGY OF BIRTHMARKS AND BIRTH DEFECTS, Journal 64, 2000, pp. 119-20. Investigates links between birthmarks and past life memories of fatal injuries.

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Stevenson, Ian. WHERE REINCARNATION AND BIOLOGY INTERSECT, reviewed by John Beloff, Journal 64, 2000, pp. 119-20. Illustrated one-volume overview of material contained in Reincarnation And Biology: A Contribution To The Etiology Of Birthmarks And Birth Defects. CORRESPONDENCE, p. 254.

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Harris, Lynda. THE CATHARS AND ARTHUR GUIRDHAM, reviewed by David Christie-Murray, Journal 66, 2002, p. 276. Sceptical examination of the reincarnation claims made in best-selling books by a medical doctor and psychiatrist.

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