Exploring the Edge Realms of Consciousness: Liminal Zones, Psychic Science, and the Hidden Dimensions of the Mind, edited by Daniel Pinchbeck and Ken Jordan

From the publisher: There is a rising interest in regions of the mind often traveled solely by shamans, mystics, and visionary artists. In a recent survey by the National Science Foundation, a startling 60% of respondents agreed that “some people possess psychic powers or ESP.” People want to know—what exactly is at the farthest fringes of human consciousness? In the new anthology Exploring the Edge Realms of Consciousness a diverse group of authors set out to answer that question. This collection of mind-bending essays from the online magazine Reality Sandwich draws readers deep into regions of the mind. In this extraordinary anthology, a wide range of both well established and emerging writers speak out about their encounters with the fringes of the conscious mind, from demons in sleep paralysis visions to psychic research conducted by the CIA. Contributors include notable ESP researcher Russell Targ, parapsychologist Dean Radin, and anthropologist Alberto Villoldo. Organized into sections covering psychic phenomena, synchronicity, lucid dreaming, shamanism, and near death experiences, Exploring the Edge Realms of Consciousness is more than a series of snapshots of psychic experiences. It ties together its disparate topics to form a larger picture of what these non-ordinary states of consciousness might have to tell us about the nature of reality itself. DANIEL PINCHBECK is the editorial director of Reality Sandwich and cofounder of Evolver.net. He is the author of Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism, among other works. KEN JORDAN is the publisher and executive producer of Reality Sandwich and Evolver.net and has written for Wired, Index, and The Paris Review. Pinchbeck and Jordan have coedited two other anthologies, Toward 2012 and What Comes After Money? Both live in New York City. For more information, please visit www.realitysandwich.com and www.evolver.net. EVOLVER EDITIONS is a collaboration between North Atlantic Books and Evolver, LLC. EVOLVER EDITIONS presents leading voices of the transformational movement, the new spiritual counterculture that explores humanity's most visionary potential and the tangible, pragmatic steps we can take to access it.

Review by Graham Kidd

Publication Details
Evolver Editions. ISBN 978 1 58394 488 2
Publish date
Book Review
Exploring the Edge Realms of Consciousness: Liminal Zones, Psychic Science, and the Hidden Dimensions of the Mind, by Daniel Pinchbeck and Ken Jordan