Leaps of Faith: Ghost Hunting and Objectivity, by John M. Black

Cover of Leaps of Faith: Ghost Hunting and Objectivity

Ghosts and the paranormal have been part of the human experience for centuries, and play a role in everything from Hamlet to Hollywood blockbusters. The evidence for ghosts, however, has always stayed on the periphery of science. Ghost hunting today is growing in popularity and is aided by modern equipment, but it must also be subject to modern standards of experimentation and objectivity. Strange events can sway even the most rigid skeptic, but it’s crucial that we see them for what they are, not just what we want them to be. Whether you’re a believer, a skeptic, or somewhere in between, this book will challenge your beliefs and force you to re-examine the evidence—and fakery—behind modern ghost hunting.

Review by Ashley Knibb

Publication Details
Independently published
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Book Review
Leaps of Faith: Ghost Hunting and Objectivity, by John M. Black