The Mammoth Mountain Poltergeist, by Jenny Ashford and Tom Ross

Cover of The Mammoth Mountain Poltergeist

From the author’s website: In December of 1982, when Tom Ross was thirteen years old, he took a week’s vacation to Mammoth Lakes in California with his aunt, uncle, and cousin. Almost from the moment they arrived at their condo, they experienced a near-constant barrage of bizarre phenomena that escalated over their stay, and seemed to follow them after they left. Items moved around by themselves, shades flew open when no one was near them, bloody tissues appeared out of nowhere, words appeared on windows in empty rooms, a blue haze seemed to hover near the ceiling, a door chain was broken from the inside by what appeared to be a clawed hand, and disembodied voices emerged from corners. The family was simultaneously terrified and amazed. Thirty-two years later, the four witnesses decided to tell their story.

Review by Tom Ruffles

Publication Details
Bleed Red Books. ISBN-13: 978-1508904830
Publish date
Book Review
The Mammoth Mountain Poltergeist, by Jenny Ashford and Tom Ross