More regional paranormal guides from Amberley Publishing, by multiple authors: Austin, Cadey, Cameron, Butt, English, Smith

Amberley Publishing is one of the most significant producers of regional paranormal books in the country, issuing them at a prodigious rate. I’ve rounded up a few titles, but this is just a sample, and I would recommend visiting their website to see if there is one for your area, or an area you plan to visit. You can find reviews of some of the other titles on this website. Paranormal Anglesey, by Bunty Austin, 2013, ISBN 9781848683150 Paranormal Bath, by Malcolm Cadey, 2010, ISBN 9781848681767 Paranormal Eastbourne, by Janet Cameron, 2010, ISBN 9781848689961 Paranormal Leicester, by Stephen Butt, 2011, ISBN 9781848687523 Paranormal Surrey, by Marq English, 2011, ISBN 9781848688964 Haunted Wiltshire, by Sonia Smith, 2012, ISBN 9781848684027

Review by Tom Ruffles

Publication Details
Amberley Publishing
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Book Review
More regional paranormal guides from Amberley Publishing, by multiple authors: Austin, Cadey, Cameron, Butt, English, Smith