Towards the Unknown: Memoir of a Psychical Researcher, by Erlendur Haraldsson

Cover of Towards the Unknown: Memoir of a Psychical Researcher

From the publisher's website: In the world of parapsychology and psychical research Erlendur Haraldsson may well be remembered as one of the great investigators, particularly in field research. In a career spanning more than six decades Haraldsson worked with past luminaries such as J. B. Rhine, one of the founders of parapsychology and Ian Stevenson, whose work with children claiming past life experiences, has spawned much of the today’s reincarnation research.Towards the Unknown chronicles Haraldsson’s work in India, the Middle East, the US and Europe and includes his studies of the Indian spiritual teacher Sathya Sai Baba, the Icelandic medium, Indridi Indridason, deathbed visions, past-life cases and a whole array of psychic phenomena.

Further information at the publisher's website: White Crow Books

Review by Nemo C. Mörck

Publication Details
White Crow Books, ISBN: 9781786770899
Publish date
Book Review
Towards the Unknown: Memoir of a Psychical Researcher, by Erlendur Haraldsson