C. J. Romer on 'Ghostly Technology and Paranormal TV'

SPR member Chris Jensen Romer is interviewed in a 'Remotely Interested' podcast on the subject of 'Ghostly Technology and Paranormal TV'.  Among other topics he discusses Tony Cornell's SPIDER.  The prgramme blurb states:

'Chris "C.J." Romer has been studying the paranormal since the 1980s. He has worked on 13 different televised series - from Ghost Hunters to Most Haunted.


'This episode discusses the paranormal, technologies used to try and document the unusual, as well as the ZX 81 Spectrum fuelled ‘Spontaneous Psychophysical Incident Data Electronic Recorder’ (SPIDER). Thomas Edison's attempts to communicate with “the other side” are also featured.'

The podcast is here:
