Spontaneous case collection

The SPR is collecting electronic copies of published material relating to spontaneous cases, such as ghosts and poltergeists.  Significant quantities have been contributed by Guy Lyon Playfair and Paul Cropper in the form of reports and newspaper articles, and these are available to users of the library at Vernon Mews in the form of a computer database.

They have an international flavour which, in the words of the chairman of the Society's Spontaneous Cases Committee, Alan Murdie, 'is a major step towards addressing the historic bias in collections of poltergeist reports which have largely been confined to accounts from North America and Western Europe, as well as establishing that poltergeist disturbances are a worldwide social fact, whatever their ultimate cause.'

The SPR welcomes electronic donations to add to the database, or hard copy versions which we can scan.  We are also happy to receive offers of hard copy material relevant to all areas of psychical research which are suitable for our archives.  

Offers should be communicated to [email protected] in the first instance.