Weirdly Queer: Exploring the LGBTQ Perspective of the Paranormal, Occult, and Mysterious World, by Ken Summers

Cover of Weirdly Queer

From the back cover: Weirdly Queer is a narrative examination of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer sexual minorities found throughout the long history of fringe research into unexplained phenomena. From the foundations of the Society for Psychical Research and sexually-charged Spiritualist mediums to lesbian alien abductee reports, sodomizing cryptids, and queer Hippie witches, the truly queer stories of our puzzling, profound, and amazing world have hidden in plain view, waiting to be retold. This trailblazing journey uncovers a world where genders stretch beyond the confines of biology and the real monsters are buried in the closets of humankind’s darker side.

Publication Details
Independently published, ISBN: 9798854977920
Publish date