Library Catalogue

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Authors Title
Cassirer, Manfred Medium On Trial
Cassirer, Manfred Persecution Of Mr Tony Elms
Cassirer, Manfred Hidden Powers Of Nature, The
Cassirer, Manfred Parapsychology And The UFO
Castaneda, Carlos Separate Reality, A
Cattoi, Thomas; Moreman, C.M. Death, Dying, and Mysticism
Caudill, Maureen Suddenly Psychic: A Skeptic's Journey
Cavallero, Corrado (Editor); Foulkes, David (Editor) Dreaming As Cognition
Cavanna, Roberto; Servadio, Emilio ESP Experiments with LSD 25 and Psilocybin: A Methodological Approach
Cavendish, Richard Encyclopedia Of The Unexplained